Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fun In a Bottle, A Song About A Victim Of Drunk Driving

Most of you know that I wrote a song about my father's death called Fun In a Bottle. Brooke White sang it for me once, but couldn't permit me to share it over the internet. I recently asked a singer name Sarah to record her rendition of my song for YouTube and she did!

I thought you might enjoy hearing it.

My ultimate goal is to have the song recorded professionally recorded on a cd and used in anti-drunk driving presentations in schools.

Please help me promote this video by taking a moment to DIGG this video if you are on Digg. You can also visit my new blog as well as the new store that I just set up. At the DUI Victims Voice store I am selling t-shirts at cost so that people can share the anti-drunk driving message.

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