Wednesday, November 12, 2008

German Luque Killed

November 2, 2008

26-year-old Vicente Aviles was going south on the turnpike when he rear-ended another car.The driver of that car, German Luqu, was ejected and hit by a pick-up truck.,0,6514361.story?track=rss


Anonymous said...

German luque was my daddy and it was hard because we didnt have the chance to say good by we they informed us a week later we didnt know we lived in houston tx i loved him so much and that was the hardest new i have ever gotten and we coundnt evan go to his grave or bring him to houston. ever since that day my life has bien hard on me and my family we love him so much and he will never be forgotten.

Diana Luqe said...

My Name Is Diana I want to know whom ever wrote that comment what your name is because german luque was my dad ..